The "Voice of Democracy" audio essay competition offers an opportunity
to instill the proud legacy of patriotism in the young people. Students
are encouraged to appreciate values and ideals for which the veterans
sacrificed so much. Each year the National VFW picks a theme for the contest and the Post awards the winners a cash prize and they go on to compete at the district level, and potentially the state and National levels.
The "Patriots Pen" written essay competition offers an opportunity
to instill the proud legacy of patriotism in the young people. Students
are encouraged to appreciate values and ideals for which the veterans
sacrificed so much. Each year the National VFW picks a theme for the contest and the Post awards the winners a cash prize and they go on to compete at the district level, and potentially the state and National levels.
The VFW sponsors a scholarship for seniors of Avon High School that display the values and contributions that align with
the work of Avon VFW Post 3272.
We are distributing Buddy Poppies to the public. This hand-made symbol
of the Memorial provides an outstanding way for us to honor those who
died by helping their comrades who are now in need. Handicapped
veterans make the Buddy Poppies for the VFW. We purchase them,
providing a small income for that veteran. Then, we offer them to the
public as we solicit donations for our needy comrades and veteran organizations that help all veterans. We also use donations to contribute
to local charities in the Farmington Valley. All funds raised in this manner are reserved for this cause,
exclusively, we donate in excess of $12,000 anually to local and veteran charities. All through this process our veterans are helped. This is
a general outreach program for all veterans, not just VFW members.
The VFW organizes and sponsors activities for the
neighborhoods where they live. We organize the Avon Memorial Day Parade, hold Veterans Day activities, put an American Flag on every veterans grave and much more.
These projects benefit the Avon, Canton, the Farmington Valley and your neighborhood, other organizations, institutions, or individuals.