Avon VFW Post 3272, Avon, CT

Helpful Links

Link: http://www.armedforcesbenefits.org
Description: This website is intended to inform you about the rights you’ve earned for your service to your country. It contains plenty of links that will help any veteran.

Link: http://www.vfw.org/
Description: The official VFW site for the National organization.

Link: http://www.vfwct.org/
Description: The official VFW site for the State of Connecticut.

Link: http://www.vfwauxiliary.org/
Description: VFW Auxiliary National Site.

Link: http://www.lotcs.org/
Description: Military Order of the Cootie. This organization performs community service such as visiting patients in VA hospitals and nursing homes in the local area.

Link: http://www.patrioticware.com/
Description: Your site for Patriotic material! This is an online store that will fulfill all of your patriotic needs.

Link: http://www.vetjobs.com/
Description: This site is for veterans looking for work. It does a great job in matching up veterans with jobs that match their skill sets.

Link: http://www.wwiimemorial.com/
Description: A site dedicated to the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. It contains useful information on the memorial as well as a plethora of pictures.

Link: https://www.vfw.org/Join/Eligibility/
Description: Want to join but don't know if you're eligible? Click here to find out.

Link: http://www.asbestos.com/
Description: This site contains information on asbestos risks to veterans as well as resources on treatment and options.

Link: Red Cross - Supporting America's Military Families
Description:The Red Cross supports America’s military members, veterans and their families.

Link: http://www.pleuralmesothelioma.com/
Description: This site is dedicated to compiling the latest and most up-to-date information on pleural mesothelioma and offer a number of resources to those coping with the pulmonary cancer.

Link: http://www.mesotheliomasymptoms.com/
Description: This site is an excellent resource to learn both the symptoms and dangers of this disease, as well as treatment options.

Link: http://www.mesothelioma.com/
Description: The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance is a leading web resource for veterans and their loved ones.

Link: http://www.ssdrc.com/
Description: The Social Security and Disability Resource Center website.